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The Opposition Backs Fishing

June 18, 2024

Media Release from Shadow Minister for Agribusiness and Fisheries Josh Burgoyne and Shadow Minister for Recreational Fishing Gerard Maley MLA:

The Lawler Government has been forced into a humiliating position to end commercial fishing thanks to its inability to negotiate a future for the industry.

After eight years in government the Lawler Government has at every step of the way failed to give certainty to recreational and commercial fishers.

The Opposition has been working with recreational and commercial fishing and consulting widely with all stakeholders and we will continue to do this to ensure a fair and equitable outcome for all stakeholders.

“We take the concerns of recreational fishers, commercial fishing and traditional owners very seriously,” Shadow Minister for Fisheries Josh Burgoyne said.

“We support phasing out the use of gillnets and if elected, we will work closely with industry to find a fair and equitable solution, within four years.

Shadow Minister for Recreational Fishing, Gerard Maley said, “Our team will always safeguard our lifestyle. Recreational fishing is a core part of the Territory lifestyle.”

Under our team, there will be no boat registration, no boat licensing, no fishing licensing and no park entry fees for locals. We are committed to more opportunities for land based fishing, increased accessibility at our boat ramps and more opportunities to hit the dirt road and explore our vast landscapes.

We will reduce crime, rebuild our economy and restore our lifestyle.

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