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The Forgotten Games

June 18, 2024

Media Release from Shadow Minister for Major Events Josh Burgoyne MLA:

The Alice Springs Masters Games could be cancelled for a staggering fourth time by the NT Labor Government it was revealed in Estimates today.

Under questioning, Minister for Major Events, Brent Potter, admitted:

  • There was doubt around whether the 2024 Games would go ahead
  • The 2024 swimming program had been cancelled
  • A lack of volunteers and participants was threating to cancel the 2024 Games
  • The 2024 Games may operate with a scaled back program

“Once again Alice Springs residents are in the dark as to whether this major event will go ahead,” said Shadow Minister for Major Events, Josh Burgoyne.

“For the past six years Labor have been unable to deliver what was once a marquee event on the Australian sporting calendar.

“Instead of the Alice Springs Friendly Games, under Labor it’s the Alice Springs Forgotten Games.”

In Estimates today, Minister Potter was careful to add a caveat to his answers saying: “If the Games go ahead.”

In an astonishing admission, he also conceded the 2024 Games may have “shrinkage” to the program saying: “If people don’t sign up for the sports, well then the sport can’t go ahead if there’s no one playing the sport.”

“This event has been cancelled by Labor since it was last held in 2018 and now Labor can’t even confirm if the 2024 event will go ahead and provide certainty to our local sporting organisations,” said Mr Burgoyne.

“People aren’t signing up to the Games because Labor have let crime get out of control in Alice Springs damaging our reputation.

“Will we see crime cancel our Masters Games yet again?

“The Lawler Labor Government don’t care about Alice Springs and they don’t care about the Masters Games. If they did, they wouldn’t be demolishing Anzac Oval, the much loved home of the Masters Games Opening and Closing ceremonies.

“Labor need to come clean. Are they cancelling the 2024 Alice Springs Masters Games?”

Labor’s Masters Games Track Record

2018Chief Minister a no-show at Closing Ceremony2020Cancelled due to COVID2022Forgot about it2023Postponed2024In doubt?

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