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Senator Price Statement - Euthanasia Debate

November 25, 2022

Euthanasia Assisted Dying Debate – Restoring Territory Rights Bill (2022)

I support the rights of Territorians, all Territorians.

Always have, always will.

The Euthanasia Assisted Dying Territory Rights Bill is specifically designed to allow for a Northern Territory Government to develop legislation to allow voluntary assisted dying to occur.

Territorians have different views on this issue, for and against, and in between, across all communities.

While this Bill is being considered in the Federal Parliament in its current form, I will do my duty as a Senator to ensure that this Bill will uphold the human rights of children, in accordance with the United Nations Convention of the Human Rights of the Child, along with vulnerable Territorians with a disability or mental impairment in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Criminal Code Act 1995.

My decision to vote against the second reading of the Bill in its current form was to provide the opportunity to make amendments to the Bill that will uphold these rights and to improve the Bill in its current form.

I note that there is nothing in this Bill which advances my long-term aim of actual equivalent rights to Statehood and full autonomy for the Territory from the Commonwealth.

If this Bill was a Bill about the Rights of Territorians, it would not be a conscience vote.

The Northern Territory Labor Government has disgracefully sought to politicise this issue.

It is deceitful, ignorant, and flippant of the Northern Territory Labor Government to suggest this Bill is purely and simply about restoring rights to the Northern Territory, when it is specifically related to Euthanasia and Assisted Dying.

At the same time the Labor continues to ignore the most basic human rights of Territorians to be safe – to be free from violence, and free of crime and alcohol related abuse.

The Labor Government’s track record demonstrates their inability to protect not just the vulnerable but all Territorians, which is why this Bill before the Senate requires safeguards.

If the Territory Government is truly concerned about Territory rights, then they would join with me and to put Statehood back on the table and allow Territorians to decide with their vote.

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