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Labor’s Economic Mismanagement Killing Business and Tourism

May 17, 2024

Media Release from Shadow Minister for Tourism and Hospitality, Shadow Minister for Business, Jobs and Training Marie-Clare Boothby:

Labor’s economic mismanagement and crime crisis is killing the Territory’s business and tourism sector.

Tourism data released this week by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), revealed overseas visitors to the NT had dropped sharply by 10.5% in March 2024, when compared to March 2023. Overseas visitors are down 57.6% in Labor’s 8 years since September 2016.

Empty shopfronts serve as a reminder of Labor’s failure to manage the economy, grow business investment, and create jobs for Territorians.

In the 12 months to March 2024, ABS data showed 106 Territory businesses closed their doors, including Allora Gardens, Char, The Gove Boat Club, Strand Bags, and soon the Deck Bar.

The Territory’s economy is in freefall, cost of living is crippling business, our population is shrinking, crime is skyrocketing and Labor doesn’t have any new ideas to address it.

Labor’s failures to deal with crime has trashed the Territory’s reputation as a safe place for tourists to visit. Businesses are struggling to keep their staff safe and pay the bills.

This week Labor announced $6 million for tourism marketing, but no slick ad can gloss over the images of the riot at the Todd Tavern in Alice Springs with staff and patrons barricading themselves in to stay safe, or the daylight attacks on the owner of ice cream shop Johnn Johnn's in Darwin.

Labor has confirmed that all they can offer Territorians is more of the same. Labor has failed to deliver new tourism projects such as the Macs Red Centre Adventure Ride project in Alice Springs, which stalled for 6 years before Labor de-funded it, or the National Aboriginal Art Gallery.

Only the CLP can rebuild our economy, reduce crime and restore our lifestyle.

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