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Labor: Who is telling the truth?

February 14, 2024

Media Release from Shadow Treasurer Bill Yan

There is only one way to find out who is telling the truth and that is why the CLP today calls on Eva Lawler to release a copy of the Cabinet Minutes to show how Chansey Paech’s conflict was managed in Cabinet.

Yesterday, amid bombshell revelations about alcohol shares purchased by Chansey Paech while he was Attorney-General, Minister for Licencing and Minister for Town Camps, a clash of truths erupted between Paech and his leader, Eva Lawler.

According to Chief Minister Eva Lawler, Paech failed to inform the Cabinet of his shares, during discussions on lifting the bans.

When asked did Chansey Paech recuse himself from Cabinet decisions regarding alcohol bans in town camps, Eva Lawler said, “No I did not ever hear him say that.”

When responding to the comments made by Eva Lawler, Chansey Paech responded, “Two years ago the Chief Minister was a very different person… I have always disclosed and declared where there is a possible perceived or real conflict.”

Despite a barrage of questioning from the CLP in Question Time; did Paech declare the conflict at the start of the discussion and did he leave the room? No clear answer was given.

Only one of them can be telling the truth.

The Cabinet Minutes record whether a conflict of interest was raised and how it was managed.

The CLP calls on Eva Lawler to release this information to clear the air.

Labor is in an integrity crisis of its own making, the rules are simple and this government has chosen to ignore them. Their review is nothing more than a way to manage the optics and muddy the waters.

Eva Lawler needs to show leadership.

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