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Labor Divided on Gas

May 22, 2024

Media Release from Leader of the Opposition Lia Finocchiaro:

Labor has shown its true colours in Parliament with Minister Selena Uibo tabling a petition against the Middle Arm project that has divided support within Labor ranks.

The petition was from the nurses’ union with Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation NT branch Secretary Cath Hatcher on radio this morning calling for the funding to be withdrawn and spent elsewhere.

Eva Lawler can try and fool Territorians all she likes but the fact is her Labor members are divided and she cannot control them.

Territorians know Labor cancelled its annual conference to avoid a public fight on gas because their Party do not support an onshore gas industry and this is further proof.

Eva Lawler, in her speech outlining her 'vision' for 2024, failed to mention gas even once.

Earlier this month the Chief Minister and her mining minister marched alongside the union movement who were proudly protesting against gas. They even posted photos on their own social media of the protestors with signs like ‘No Middle Arm, No Toxic Gas.

If Labor really supported gas we would have seen action before now, but Labor will always listen to their union bosses.

Labor is divided on gas and Territorians know they cannot be trusted to deliver on the benefits of the industry – the investment, economic growth, jobs and energy security.

Deputy Chief Minister, Chansey Peach said on radio: “So my position has always been that I haven't supported fracking.” Allison Bitar, Labor candidate for Braitling, told Alice Springs radio: ‘I’m not a supporter of fracking at all.’”

The CLP are the only party who have always supported gas and only a CLP Government will deliver it. Our economic Plan focuses on making the Northern Territory a great place to live, work and invest.

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