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Labor Cancels Iconic Henley on Todd

June 26, 2024

Media Release from Shadow Minister for Major Events Josh Burgoyne:

The NT Labor Government’s utter failures continue in Central Australia with the iconic Henley on Todd Regatta cancelled for 2024.

“Today I was made aware that the 2024 Henley on Todd, meant to be held in mid-August, is not going to be going ahead due to lack of support and funding from this Labor NT government,” Shadow Minister for Major Events Josh Burgoyne said.

Previously the event was successful in receiving $150,000 through the Community Benefit Fund, but for some reason this year’s application was knocked back.

Along with the Community Benefit funding being pulled, organisers have also advised that the previous $180,000 over a three-year deal that the event received from Major Events had now been reduced to $50,000 for 12 months.

“This iconic event in Alice Springs is just the latest to be impacted as a result of falling support from the Labor Government.

“Once again this Labor Government couldn’t care less about anything that occurs south of the Berrimah line with this being the second iconic Central Australian event in as many weeks now under a cloud with a lack of support for the Masters Games meaning it will be a smaller event.

“This is another kick in the guts for Alice Springs from this Labor Government that has shown it not only has no plan to deal with the impacts of crime on the community it is withdrawing support for our major events that are drawcards for tourists to help drive our economy.”

“If elected, the CLP will deliver the funding to ensure the 2025 Henley on Todd goes ahead.”

The dry river boat races have been occurring in Alice Springs since the 1960’s with locals and tourists racing against one another. This iconic event has featured on NESCAFE tins and has been featured in many news and TV segments over the years.

Only the CLP has a plan to grow our economy and make Territorians safe. By rebuilding the Territory’s reputation as a safe place to live, work and invest, we will create jobs and opportunities.

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