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Better healthcare for Territorians

July 24, 2024

Media Release from Leader of the Opposition Lia Finocchiaro MLA and Shadow Minister for Health Bill Yan MLA:


Territorians will have better access to frontline health services under the CLP’s plan for expanded pharmacy services across the Territory.

The Northern Territory Community Pharmacy Scope of Practice program, will offer additional health services to patients for up to 21 conditions, including urinary tract infection (UTIs), school sores, shingles, wound management, asthma, swimmer’s ear, travel vaccines and hypertension, among others.

As a starting point, UTI treatments will be made available at Territory community pharmacies within the first 100 days of a CLP government. Pharmacist training for the other health services will also commence within the first 100 days of a CLP government.

“This will be a game changer for patients. It will save them time and money. This means more convenient access to world class medical treatment and avoids having to make an appointment to see the doctor or visit an emergency department,” Opposition leader Lia Finocchiaro said.

The program’s chief goal is to supplement, not replace, existing primary care services giving patients more choice to access the healthcare they need.

The program aligns with best practices and has shown strong uptake across Australia. NSW pharmacies provided UTI treatments more than 16,000 times in a year, while Victorian pharmacies delivered 10,000 services for UTIs and other conditions in just six months of their pilot.

“This is a great scheme already proving successful in other states and I won’t let Territorians be left behind,” Mrs Finocchiaro said.

“By allowing patients greater choice in where and how they access healthcare we will also see pressure taken off the emergency departments in our hospitals.”

Community pharmacists who have undertaken up to 12 months of additional training will be able to offer the services. These pharmacists will undergo the training locally in partnership with Charles Darwin University.

Shadow Health Minister, Bill Yan, said it’s expected that the remainder of 21 conditions will be available from a Territory community pharmacy within 12 months of the election.

“This is a win for the community, and I would like to acknowledge the great work being done by community pharmacists across the Territory,” Mr Yan said.

In the Greater Darwin area, 88% of Territorians live within 2.5kms of their nearest community pharmacy and in regional areas, 42% of the population lives within 5km of a pharmacy.

The NT Community Pharmacy Scope of Practice program will make it easier for all Territorians to get faster and easier and more affordable access to healthcare.

There are 42 pharmacies across the Northern Territory who will be encouraged to take part in the program.


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