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Alice Springs Among Most Dangerous Cities in the World

July 23, 2024

Media Release from Shadow Treasurer and Shadow Minister for Public Employment Bill Yan:

The Northern Territory continues to be in the headlines for all the wrong reasons under this Labor Government – Alice Springs is now ranked in the top 20 of the world’s most dangerous cities.[1]

“Crime in the Territory continues to be totally out of control and the Territory’s reputation continues to be destroyed. Eva Lawler and Labor have no plan to address community safety,” Shadow Treasurer, Bill Yan said.

“This is just beyond a joke under Labor. Now Alice Springs is up there with well-known dangerous cities in South Africa. A real estate agent had a buyer pull out of a purchase after hearing Alice Springs was ranked in the top 20 of the world’s most dangerous cities. Tourists are staying away and people are too scared to move here.”

Mr Yan said the latest bad news for Alice Springs follows on from People’s Choice closing its branch in Alice Springs.

“Territorians have had enough and they deserve better. They deserve to feel safe in their own homes. It is time for change as this Labor government has shown it is incapable of taking the necessary action to keep the community safe.”

“The CLP has a plan to restore the Territory as this is not the Territory I moved to and raised my kids.”

Only the CLP has a Plan of Action to reduce crime, starting with immediately strengthening laws and increasing power for our police.

If elected, the CLP will in week 1 of parliament:

• reverse the government's disastrous bail laws by making sure that serious violent offenders start with a position of no bail;

• make breach of bail conditions an offence;

• lower the age of criminal responsibility so that young people and their parents can be held accountable for their crimes;

• give police greater powers when it comes to wanding to stop knife crime;

• empower police to deal with problem drunks by giving greater powers under the 2km rule.

Under a CLP Government, the Police portfolio will sit with Lia Finocchiaro as Chief Minister.

A CLP Government will reduce crime, rebuild our economy and restore our lifestyle


[1] Numbeo Crime Index 2024 Mid-Year report

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