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Oly Carlson

CLP Candidate for Wanguri
Oly Carlson

Long time Leanyer local and mother Oly Carlson was born and raised in Darwin. Her father came here for the pearling industry in 1937 and later survived the Bombing of Darwin.

With a wealth of experience in the financial services industry, including serving almost 25 years at the Commonwealth Bank in the Darwin CBD, Oly is passionate about seeing more women in senior roles in the sector.

Having been schooled here and raised her own family here, Oly is horrified at the decline in education standards and support for Territory kids.

“Growing up I felt so lucky my Dad chose Darwin for our family. As kids we had an incredible lifestyle and the choice to be whoever we wanted to be.

Now, our lifestyle and community has changed, we live in fear and our choices have been taken away.

My Mum, who worked so hard for us, now doesn’t feel safe to leave the house alone after being attacked by a gang of youths at Casuarina. Darwin is too important to us, I’m standing up to make a change.”

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