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Gary Strachan

CLP Candidate for Johnston
Gary Strachan

Starting off his career as an apprentice hairdresser and going on to open his own salons, Gary is passionate about developing skills and supporting small businesses.

As a qualified criminal lawyer, and having worked for NT Legal Aid, Gary saw first-hand the need for both youth diversion, skills and job strategies to break the cycle of criminality. Combining these two passions saw Gary open the ‘Deadly Hair Dude’ a not for profit hairdressing and horticulture program.

Gary travels to Aboriginal Communities across the Territory teaching young Aboriginal Territorians the skills to become a hairdresser for their peers. Gary has worked with young people across 44 indigenous communities and in youth detention facilities helping in breaking the cycle of crime and giving kids a better pathway forward.

The Deadly Hair Dude has also commenced a commercial horticulture farm in Yarralin, growing fruit, vegetables and training in biosecurity and cultivating bee hives.

Gary has been highly recognised for his contribution to the Territory including being a finalist for Australian of the year in 2022 and 2023 and receiving the Council of SmallBusiness Organisation of Australia’s National Small Business Champion Award - for being an influencer who makes a genuine difference to their industry or sector.

“My commitment to giving young people job ready skills led me to stand for the CLP as they are the only party with a real plan to address the issues we see in our young people making the wrong choices.

For too long the Northern Suburbs have been taken for granted as crime and cost of living continue to sky-rocket, that’s just not good enough.”

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