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Brian O'Gallagher

CLP Candidate for Karama
Brian O'Gallagher

Long term Territorian, Brian O’Gallagher, together with his wife Marylou, raised their son and daughter in the Northern Suburbs. A current Darwin City Councillor, Brian is a strong local voice for his community but wants to do more. Brian has put his hand up to run for the CLP in Karama because he is sick of local residents being ignored by Labor.

Currently working with the International Advanced College of Education, he knows the importance of providing a place where international students feel safe and supported to stay and grow our economy.

Prior to this, Brian worked for the Chamber of Commerce and as a senior public servant delivering Major Projects and developing industry. He’s a champion for local and small business who recently called out Darwin City Council for failing small business owners for lowering their commitment to buy local.

“I’ve seen the difference between Labor and the CLP, the CLP are the ones who get things done. I worked with CLP Governments to deliver projects like the Alice to Darwin railway. I’m fed up with this Labor Government announcing projects but never building them.

Long term locals tell me the last five years have been the worst they have ever seen, they feel ignored, they feel let down and they live in fear.

We’ve got to stand up for residents and put victims first and that’s exactly what I’ll do.”

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